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Male Aesthetic Treatments

SkinLab Atlanta by Dr. Kelly offers our male clients a specialized approach to their skincare treatments. More than ever, men are showing an interest in maintaining a youthful appearance and like most women, they desire natural looking results with little to no downtime. Our most sought after non-surgical procedures include:

  • Bro-Tox
  • Men’s Dermal Filler
  • Men’s Hair Rejuvenation
  • Microneedling / Morpheus8 and Body ®
  • Men’s Custom Facial
  • SkinClear for Teen Boys

The Numbers Speak for Themselves

Recent statistics show that anti-aging treatments are increasingly popular among men. According to The American Society of Plastic Surgeons, laser skin resurfacing procedures for men surged by 482% between 2000 and 2020. Botox injections also saw a significant rise, with a 182% increase. In fact, Botox has become the top cosmetic procedure for men, with 265,250 treatments performed in 2020 alone.

Get State-of-the-Art Skincare From Our Personalized Skin Experts

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